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Functional Medicine, Kids

A Guide to Pediatric Functional Medicine

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Functional Medicine, Kids

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As much as we wish we could be a kid again, it’s not as easy as it used to be. 

Children nowadays have absurdly high rates of obesity (1 in 5!), mental health disorders (20 million!), and autoimmune disease (2x since the 80s!). 

But why? And what can we do about it?

Our food, microbiomes, and lifestyles are changing in ways that fuel these health issues. Nutrient depletion, sedentary lifestyles, and microbiome bacteria contribute to these challenges. However, there is an opportunity for support for your child. 

Working with a functional medicine provider to target your child’s individual health issues takes a preventative, root-cause approach that lasts a lifetime.  In this blog, we’ll discuss the health issues facing children today, the potential reasoning behind it, and how you can work with a functional medicine provider.

DISCLAIMER: This blog is for educational purposes only, it should not be used as treatment or taken as medical advice. Please consult a medical provider for an individual medical plan.

Understanding Pediatric Health Challenges

Pediatric health challenges such as ADHD, dysbiosis, asthma, allergies, autism, and obesity are increasing significantly. However, it can be difficult to mitigate these conditions because of natural pediatric health challenges.

Weak Immune Systems

Children have weaker immune systems and more exposure to germs than adults do. Their underdeveloped immune system faces daily exposure from school, inadequate hand washing, and afterschool activities. 

Less Diverse “Good Bacteria”

Some doctors point out that children have a weaker immune system than ever before because of the change in breast milk microbiota. Because of nutrient depletion, mothers have less diverse good bacteria in breast milk, which is given to the child and has a domino effect into unhealthy microbiomes and increased GI sensitivity.

Hard to Manage Diet

Achieving a healthy, well-rounded diet is more difficult for children for a variety of reasons. School, busy schedules, and picky diets all contribute to the challenges parents face when trying to manage a child’s diet. Additionally, the fruits and vegetables children eat are depleted of nutrients; meaning that even if a child is eating enough, they still may not be getting the nutrients they need.

Pediatric Functional Medicine vs. Conventional Medicine

As a result of the plethora of health issues children face, many kids are on countless medications to manage symptoms. Although some medications may alleviate symptoms, this conventional approach isn’t always an effective long-term solution.

Functional Medicine Difference

Functional medicine pediatric care takes a different approach to conventional medicine; it focuses on root-causes, preventative care, and lifestyle changes that sustain into a child’s adult life. 

Key Concepts in Pediatric Functional Medicine

Pediatric functional medicine stresses individualized care, comprehensive testing, monitoring treatment outcomes, and preventative care. These providers take a step into your child’s world and review their life beyond just symptom management. 


Blood, urine, and stool testing find nutrient deficiencies, bacterias, parasites, and genetic information that are root-causes for your child’s symptoms. Testing may be difficult for children, so providers will work with you to achieve a minimally invasive outcome.

Monitoring Treatment

Functional medicine providers make suggestions about diet, lifestyle, medication, and supplement changes for your child. With these suggestions, the providers monitor outcomes and determine how to move forward.

Preventative Care

Functional medicine providers do prescribe medication, but also emphasize lifestyle-based changes. These changes are not only successful for the short term, but also preventative for your child’s future,

The Role of Nutrition in Pediatric Health

Nutrition regimes play a significant role in pediatric health. In fact, the changes in our diet from 30 years ago to now is a driving force in childhood health issues. 

Impact of Diet on Child Development

Processed food is overwhelming children with obesity, diabetes, and even mental health disorders. Chemicals, additives, and sugary foods and drinks are contributing to sensory issues, leaky gut, physical pain, and slowed development. 

Nutrient Deficiencies in Children

Because of overfarming and chemical pesticides, our fruits and vegetables are no longer packed with nutrients like they used to be. Therefore, even a child on an optimal diet of fruits and veggies still might have a nutrient deficiency! 

The most common deficiencies in children are vitamin D, iron, and zinc. Without these nutrients, children can suffer from psychological symptoms like social withdrawal, trouble concentrating, and even aggression. Helping your child increase their nutrient intake through diet or supplements can help change these behaviors. 

Gut Health and Pediatrics

Gut health is a priority in pediatrics. Children with dysbiosis—a microbiome disruption—are susceptible to problems with brain immune function, central nervous system communication, central nervous system inflammation, and blood brain barrier. It’s not surprising that this disruption can cause GI issues like diarrhea, constipation, and stomach pain. But did you know this can take a mental toll as well?

Gut-Brain Connection

The gut and brain have a direct pathway. In fact, 80-90% of our serotonin is sourced from the microbiome! 

Dysbiosis incorrectly sends inflammation messages to the brain that affects attention, serotonin, and learning. If your child is struggling with ADHD, autism, or a learning disability, it’s likely that their microbiome is out of whack.

Healing the Pediatric Gut Microbiome

Healing the pediatric gut microbiome is possible and can successfully alleviate mental and physical symptoms. Stool tests and a diet review give insight into your child’s microbiome state.

Alive and Well Bellies

Alive and Well Bellies is an individualized pediatric gut health program with Jana Roso. If you are seeing any type of health issues with your child—behavioral, skin, gastrointestinal, or allergies—you qualify! 

The Bellies program includes: 

  • GI Map Stool Test to identify pathogens, parasites, beneficial bacteria, and inflammatory markers.
  • 1 on 1 comprehensive lab test interpretation with Jana Roso.
  • Two on-demand education modules including handouts, resources, and two recorded lectures.

Together, you, Jana, and your child can work together to conquer health challenges and find the root-cause.

Toxins and Effects on Children

Toxins affect our food, air, water, and living spaces. Since children have a smaller body size than adults, toxins can be more damaging. Children are also more likely to accidentally ingest toxins.

Children still have developing brains, so exposure can have long term damage such as triggering asthma. Check all food and drinks for potential toxins such as plastics and additives. Also, consider adding an air purifier and water purifier to prevent mold. Many children (and even adults!) are unaware of toxin exposure, since it can mimic a common-cold. Don’t let ignorance sway you, checking in on toxin levels in your household and blood stream prevents further contamination.

Integrating Mind-Body Medicine

Yes, children aren’t facing adult stressors, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t stressed! 

Children can’t communicate stress the way adults can.  Because of this, stress can manifest into emotional and physical symptoms such as:

  • Changes in behavior
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Getting sick often
  • Irritability
  • Lack of focus

Teaching stress management techniques to your child helps manage inflammation, ease flare ups, and promote development. Not only will these techniques help them now, but habits formed will continue to adulthood.

The American Psychological Association recommends these pediatric stress techniques:

  • Ensure children 6 to 12 year olds get 9-12 hours of sleep per night, teens need 8-10
  • Exercise for at least 60 minutes per day for children ages 6-17
  • Talk through stressors
  • Encourage fun activities and downtime
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Write about emotions
  • Spend time outside

Lifestyle Modifications for Pediatric Health


Sleep is valuable for all humans, and especially children. 

Getting a restful night sleep promotes brain development, cell repairment, and memory forming. Lack of sleep puts a strain on a child’s immune system, mood, focus, and behavior. 

 If your child has trouble sleeping, there are solutions:

  • Magnesium supplements or magnesium rich foods can help calm their nervous system to relax for bed.
  • Exercise during the day for relaxation during bedtime.
  • Avoid processed sugary foods to prevent any spikes in energy. 


A healthy diet can be a challenge for children—being a picky eater, school time away from parents, and peer pressure all affects the diet. The optimal diet for a child is one that nourishes the gut microbiome with fiber, prebiotics and probiotics, and colorful fruits and veggies. 

If you want to change your child’s diet, choose a slow, steady, and educational approach. Change is scary and confusing for children, so moving slowly prevents overwhelm. Additionally, educating children equips them with knowledge to make smart choices in independent situations.

Physical Activity

Similarly to adults, children are living sedentary lifestyles filled with screens. Find an activity that your child enjoys and aim for 60 minutes of exercise per day.

Physical activity prevents obesity and diabetes, supports sleep, benefits cardiovascular health and manages mental health. Combined, these health benefits encourage healthy childhood development. 

Supporting Your Child Through Their Health Journey

It’s hard being a kid—especially one who doesn’t understand their body! Supporting your child through their health journey provides them with confidence to make changes. Although your child may not express it explicitly, noticing differences in your child’s behavior is valuable to tracking their health journey.

Embracing a New Paradigm in Pediatric Healthcare

Pediatric functional medicine is a promising approach to supporting our children. Finding the root-cause of health issues and supplying children with actionable steps will shape their future choices. Instead of simply managing symptoms, functional medicine shows children and parents that there are solutions to overwhelming health challenges. As you and your child learn how to thrive, the habits will follow through into the rest of your lives!

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