Acupuncture uses small needles to stimulate the nerve and energy meridians to benefit pain, inflammation, migraines, hormone imbalances, fertility, the digestive system, anxiety, depression and sleep.
Community acupuncture is an affordable and accessible style of treatment that focuses on restoring balance in the body while addressing common physical and emotional stressors. When we participate in community style acupuncture there is a collective healing vibration that makes individual treatments even more powerful. While peacefully resting with strategically placed needles in our bodies alongside others doing the same, we acknowledge that we are all in this together.
We are excited to bring community acupuncture to Alive + Well on Sunday’s from 12:00pm – 3:00pm. Call 512-580-5775 today to book for you or your group and don’t forget to ask about our cupping add-on!
Meet Sarah Ellen Leach MAcOM, L.Ac.
Sarah is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist. She obtained her Masters degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine located in Austin, TX and is licensed by the Texas Board of Medical Examiners, board certified by the NCCAOM.
Sarah believes in the philosophy of holistic medicine – considering and transforming the WHOLE self in order to achieve optimal health and well-being. She is committed to healthy living and has successfully treated a myriad of ailments including pain, musculoskeletal injuries, infertility, chronic migraine headaches, psycho-emotional conditions, digestive disorders, allergies, stress, depression, weight management and much more. In addition to her Eastern Medicine practice, Sarah is also the owner and creator of Mood Minded, a gemstone infused apothecary with your mood in mind.